- June 25th, 2018
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To clarify – there are more civilian-owned guns in the US than there are people.

- June 25th, 2018
Social media giant Facebook continues to ramp up the creepy factor. According to a recently filed patent, Facebook wants to spy on you by hiding inaudible messages in TV ads.

- June 25th, 2018
The largest solar storm in recent history struck in 1859 and the auroras could be seen across the globe. But a solar storm of that magnitude today would cause devastating blackouts in major cities on the East Coast of the United States.

- June 25th, 2018
As one surveys the current state of the global economic chessboard, it is easy to see that we are just two or three moves away from a major global economic crisis.

- June 25th, 2018
On Sunday Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif admitted to the Iran Chamber of Congress that the collapse of the 2015 nuclear deal would have “very dangerous consequences” for the country. President Donald Trump has withdrawn the United States from the deal he said was disastrous from the beginning.

- June 25th, 2018
According to investor Peter Schiff, the dollar will only depreciate in the ongoing trade war with China. Schiff claims the notion of a “dollar shortage” because of the tariffs on Chinese goods is “complete nonsense.”

- June 25th, 2018
The United Nations is gearing up for round two in the fight to disarm the American public. Last month, the United Nations’ International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) held a week-long conference geared towards making gun control an international priority.

- June 22nd, 2018
The options are endless, but good and lightweight supplies should be at the forefront of a prepper’s mind. Remember, these kits are great on their own or they can be broken up to make the perfect bag or kit for your personal situation.

- June 22nd, 2018
Of course, one can’t help but wonder what kind of access Jeff Bezos & Co. will have to this new technology. Or, to put it another way, will the most powerful company in America now have access to your girlfriend’s nudes?