NASA: This planet could be ‘Earth 2.0′
Colima Volcano spews fire, and blows ash cloud over western Mexico
July 2015 – MEXICO – Colima Volcano, Mexico: Ash and cinders spewed Saturday from the Colima Volcano in western Mexico, prompting authorities to close the airport in the state capital of Colima and order the evacuation of a half dozen hamlets on the flanks of the peak. At least 70 people were staying at a shelter by the late afternoon. The volcano began erupting on Thursday and has become increasingly active, leading officials to issue orders to relocate people living nearby. Civil protection officials described the volcano’s movements as “atypical,” a kind of activity not seen since it underwent a strong eruption in 1913. The Colima Volcano, which sits near the border of the western states of Colima and Jalisco, is also known as the Volcano of Fire.
The officials said Saturday that residents of Yerbabuena, Colima, the first hamlet evacuated, were taken to a temporary shelter. The Jalisco state civil defense office said in its Twitter account that residents of five communities there would be evacuated. Earlier in the day, 19 evacuees were reported, but the number rose to 70 by the afternoon when explosions of incandescent material shot out as far as 9 kilometers. The Governor of Colima, Mario Anguiano, wrote in his Twitter account that the airport just outside the state capital was closed because of falling ash. The Interior Department reported that 2 inches of ash had fallen on Yerbabuena. Authorities were standing by ready to evacuate more people if necessary and were planning to distribute surgical masks that people could use to cover their noses and mouths. –NBC News, filed July 7, 2015
Wild weather: Snow in Hawaii during record-breaking hot July
July 2015 – HAWAII – It sounds unbelievable, but it really did snow this week in Hawaii, in the midst of a heat wave that has broken multiple records for July. A light snow fell on Mauna Kea Friday morning. The summit of the dormant volcano is 13,796 feet above sea level.
The Star Advertiser reports that it is a rare event, but not unheard of, according to a local meteorologist. Many areas of the state faced flooding from storms that dumped heavy rain across the region. Hawaii is also in the middle of a record-breaking heat wave. The state has set high temperature records 20 times so far in July. Maybe the photos of snow will make local residents feel a bit cooler. –WSBTV
Shock Report: China Dumps Half a Trillion Dollars: “Something is Very, Very Wrong… They Are Being Aggressively Sold”

- July 23rd, 2015
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If the global economy was actually healthy and expanding, the demand for commodities would be increasing and that would tend to drive prices up. But instead, prices continue to go down.

- July 22nd, 2015
Forget about what stock markets are doing because that is just a diversion.

- July 22nd, 2015
Did you know authorities are willing to dig through your trash to impose penalties and control social behavior?

- July 22nd, 2015
Unfortunately, in our 48 hour news cycle world, a slow and steady decline does not produce many “sexy headlines”.

- July 21st, 2015
If your grandmother has a gun for personal protection but has someone else (like you) run her bank account for her Obama wants to confiscate her gun.

- July 21st, 2015
Due to the fact that China is the largest gold producer, and nearly the largest gold importer, their current numbers are dubious at best.

- July 20th, 2015
The 25 largest public pension funds in the US have a $2 trillion budget shortfall.

- July 20th, 2015
Until or unless central banks change their policies to spur this positive economic behavior, they are basically funding war, depopulation and death and destruction.

- July 20th, 2015
Both believe that the domino collapse will eventually hit the U.S., and America will end up defaulting on its debts – and falling into financial crisis.

- July 19th, 2015
All the ammo has been fired… trillions and trillions… we’re paper thin away from the whole thing just cracking.

- July 19th, 2015
Perhaps Wesley Clark is already privy to the plan and it is now being seeded into the minds of millions of sheeple who will be convinced of the need to round up dissident Americans should the right crisis strike.

- July 23rd, 2015
If the global economy was actually healthy and expanding, the demand for commodities would be increasing and that would tend to drive prices up. But instead, prices continue to go down.
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