Thursday, 24 May 2018

Dr. Cured Cancer in 6 Weeks! Spills Beans!

Incredible health secrets from Doctor Bigelsen who was raided because he was actually helping people and acting as a consultant for other physicians.  He was helping people get healed and figured out some amazing things concerning our blood which he says is actually holographic!   He covers so many secrets the evil ones do not want you to know in this amazing interview!

He says Cancer is a mold and teaches women how to  beat breast cancer.  

For example he says there is a very cheap and effective cure for prostrate cancer called Honvan which you can buy for about $1 a pill from India!   He says he cured a man of prostrate cancer in 6 weeks with it!  This is why his information must be shared with everybody and why everybody must expose Fake Rockefeller M.D. medicine pushed by the Fake News and Fake media!

He describes how he cured a woman of Alzheimers in this video.  

His website is at and you can see many of his books on Amazon using the links below.

Link to one of his books on Amazon – Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs!
The medical establishment came after Dr. Bigelsen because you’re not allowed to cure people in America!  He says the entire medical system is a fraud and it’s why doctors typically die 4 years before the average person!   He says deep inside their soul, doctors figure out eventually the entire system is a scam and can’t live with themselves being part of it so they die early from guilt!

Share this one to everybody you can so we can destroy this evil Rockefeller medical system in our lifetime!   Bigelsen tells the story about how the founder of the modern M.D., John D. Rockefeller never took a single one of his pharmaceuticals pills he pushed on all of us!  He only trusted holistic health and naturopath doctors!   The Rockefeller family has made trillions killing everybody with the M.D. allopathic big pharmaceutical scams!  Rockefeller knew it didn’t work and that’s why he didn’t use it himself!  It was a con job to kill us early and make us broke while his family got rich!  They are still using TV, movies and all mass media to push this fraud on us!   They tell us on the TV show little Johnny will die unless he gets his chemo!  It’s designed to brainwash the sheep!  

Spread the word and share this interview everywhere!   Every share you do wakes up somebody else and exposes the Rockefeller scam medical system!  Never stop spreading the truth and we will eventually beat these demons just like Trump exposed the Fake News to the world!   Now it’s time to expose Fake Medicine!  Start calling it “Fake Medicine”.  Get the tshirts printed and God bless your efforts at sharing the truth!  It’s an honor to serve in the fight against evil with all of you!  We might not always agree on every issue but 

See also this shocking video on what researchers see when they analyze our live blood!  


Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Jeremiah Johnson
So, they’re telling us up front. GPS tracking will be used to monitor…and store…your movements…deciding if you’re a “risk” by where you go. “Anomalies,” the actions are termed, that “would raise the person’s risk score.”
Tyler Durden
It seems like the new frontier of war and technology is ushering in a “Terminator”-style dystopic evolution of warfare.
Mac Slavo
An ancient skin-eating fungus is killing off hundreds of species of amphibians, and the source of this apocalypse was just found.  Compounding the issue is the assertation that the Korean War may have helped amplify the problem and spread the fungus.
JM Bullion
One currency has always been a viable mechanism of exchange in the midst of crisis. Make sure you have it in your possession when disaster strikes.

Mac Slavo
The tables are turning and the tides have most definitely shifted in favor of president Donald Trump. Now new evidence is revealing that top Obama Administration officials coordinated with each other and the FBI to help CNN run a damaging and unverified story on Trump and the infamous salacious dossier. 
Mac Slavo
Fox News Business analyst Stuart Varney recently wrote an article demanding to know what Barack Obama, the sitting president, knew at the time of surveilling the Trump campaign. Varney alleges that deeply entrenched Obama bureaucrat tried desperately to cover for Hillary Clinton while doing everything they could to destabilize Donald Trump.
Mac Slavo
Lake Worth, Florida falsely sent out a “zombie alert” during a power outage causing some concern among residents. The Lake Worth community Facebook page claims the message was “unintended.”
Daisy Luther
The government of Sweden has produced a 20-page pamphlet which they’ll be sending to each of the 4.8 million households in the country urging them to get prepared for…WAR.
Mac Slavo
Several hundred opposition demonstrators protesting socialist Nicolas Maduro’s “reelection” blocked traffic in a march to the Organization of American States (OAS) headquarters in Caracas on Wednesday ahead of the “vote.”  Those who object to the horrific violence and poverty socialism has propelled Venezuela deep into say this weekend’s presidential vote was rigged.
Mac Slavo
The Hawaiian volcano, Kilauea, is still erupting and lava is now blocking escape routes.  More eruptions are still expected as toxic gas plumes envelop parts of the island.
Mac Slavo
The corruption plot thickens.  The Justice Department has now asked its internal watchdog to examine if there was any impropriety in the counterintelligence investigation of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.
Mac Slavo
According to Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Guiliani, Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian obstruction in the 2016 United States election will “wrap up” by September 1.  The obstruction inquiry is just one part of a larger probe which focuses on Moscow’s alleged “meddling” in the election to help Trump win.
Mac Slavo
An experimental Ebola vaccine is being rolled out in Congo as the death toll from the infectious disease continues to climb. The vaccination campaign will begin today.
Jeremiah Johnson
Mass shootings are increasing in frequency and severity. While many are holding out hope that they will stop or that the government will handle the situation, our personal security and peace of mind continue to be under attack. This begs the question on what can each citizen of this country do to survive.
Experts fear an “explosive increase” in Ebola cases after an outbreak in Congo entered a “new phase” and spread from the countryside to a city.